FareShare South West x Wiper and True

July Charity Partner: FareShare South West

Charity & Fundraising

June Update

At the beginning of this year we kicked off our Charity Partners scheme; a simple scheme, fundraising for organisations close to our hearts. Different members of the Wiper and True team chose local causes to support each month, and with your support we raise as much cash as we can to support their work. 

Since its inception in January this year, we've had an amazing response to the project, raising money for Bristol Refugee Rights, the MAZI Project, Marmalade Trust and more. In June, we raised £163.50 for AidBox Community: a Bristol organisation helping those seeking asylum and refuge in Bristol to access essential items and make connections in their new city. A sincere thank you to every single person who helped us raise this sum, whether through drinking our Karma Keg at the taproom, tipping AidBox Community through our online shop, or buying beer during our donation period.

July Charity Partner: FareShare South West

FareShare South West Collaboration

This month, Wiper and True are raising money for FareShare South West, a local charity who join up the dots between surplus food waste and hunger. 

Wiper and True are immensely proud to be raising money for FareShare South West this month, and we need your help to raise as much money as possible for their brilliant work. Read on to find out more about how you can help us out on our fundraising mission. 

How does the Wiper and True Charity Partner programme work?

Each month, the Wiper and True team choose a charity to partner with. All of our fundraising efforts that month will raise money for this charity or cause.

How do you raise money for the charities?

Each month we will be raising money by three methods:

  1. We donate: we will donate £1 from every order on our online shop for a certain time period in a month - usually a week or weekend at a time. This doesn't cost you anything extra - we make the donation on your behalf. We will let you know when this is happening each month, via our social media channels.

  2. Karma Keg: each month at our Bristol Taprooms we will choose a designated 'Karma Keg'. Usually an exciting new release, we'll donate 100% of the profits from this keg to our chosen charity. We will mark the chosen Karma Keg clearly on our beer menus. All you have to do is order a pint! 

  3. You donate: you may have noticed the option to add an additional charity donation when checking out an order on our online shop. We'll collect these additional donations for our chosen charity for a whole month, then make a lump sum donation at the end of the month.

Sharing is Caring: A Charity Collaboration Beer

A couple of weeks ago we hosted the FareShare South West team at the brewery, where they helped us whip up a very special new beer, using historic heritage malts. 100% of the profits of our new Amber Ale, Sharing Is Caring, will be donated to FareShare South West. The beer will launch on July 20th at a very special fundraiser event - details coming soon - watch this space for a ticket announcement.